Skin Peel at Home

This is post is sponsored by SKN Miami opinions are my own.
SKN At Home DIY Peel

Have you ever had a face chemical peel? I had not, so when SKN Miami reached out to have my try out their supervised SKN DIY Skin Peel at home, I said yes. I truly didn’t know what to expect, on how we where going to do the peel remotely and me being home and not on site. But the team at SKN Miami, made me feel comfortable trying this out at home.

First, we booked a consultation appointment via Zoom, where I met with skincare professional Caleb McGrew and he asked me questions on my skin concerns, and he also determined if I was a good candidate for the treatment. Because I had never had a peel before, Caleb chose for me to start with a mild intensity Skin Peel at home, and then build up from there on future appointments.

SKN Skin Peel at home
Picture courtesy of SKN Miami

The package was mailed to me within a day. It included all that I needed to do this Skin peel at home. The formula they sent, was specifically tailored and customized for my needs. Next we scheduled a second Zoom call.

Where Caleb walked me thru the steps to follow and apply the chemical peel. We did this fairly quick in about 30 minutes. The last part of the appointment are the instructions to follow and what to do (or not do) for the next 48 hours. And for the after care of the next 7 days.

The package sent, had prep pads, the solution and applicators. It also included all of the aftercare items (daily cleanser, moisturizers, SPF and night balm). For the next week, I followed the instructions perfectly.

SKN Skin Peel at home

On day 3, my skin started peeling slightly. On day 5, it peeled off all over. The skin falling off was from the top layer dead cells, to reveal my glowing skin below.

Book your SKN Peel at Home

Book your consultation with SKN Miami for a supervised At-Home-Peel, see more info here. Get $25 off by using my special promo code GISSI25 at checkout. Let me know how it goes on IG or comments below

If you liked this beauty post, make sure to check out my other skincare posts.

This is post is sponsored by SKN Miami opinions are my own.

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