For the most part all the work of my day job I do it in the office. Regardless I still need a space at home to do all my after-work activities (blogging, drawing, DIY, the occasional freelancing, etc.). Dave and I live in a modest size apartment, our second bedroom which I call ” the man cave”, ends up being his home office. I have my own desk area in the master bedroom so it’s close to all my clothing and accessories. It is a compact space that I need to maximize to make the most out of it.
I was thinking of getting some shelves but sometimes shelves look so cluttered that I deviate to use them. I definitely will need to display inspirational pictures & stack up boxes to store trinkets and such. I’m also roaming around with the idea of having a chalkboard wall panel so I can brainstorm and write up to do’s. Maybe it should be magnetic chalkboard paint in order to pin pictures and cutouts from magazines.
So many ideas keep flowing back and forth but I do have certain the color palette I want to use. Black, white, gold and maybe some pink will make everything look nice.
P.S. I would also need a pencil holder for my color pencils how neat is this brass one from Zhush. If you want to see other ideas I have pinned, follow me on my pinterest (here).
Pics via Stylizimo | Fluorescent Palace | Lily | Zhush | Pinterest