The last few weeks I have been feeling very stressed out due to the mundane things of life, like work, dealing with relationships etc. I have been looking to get some me time and just chill and relax, everyone needs some me time where you get to enjoy yourself and do things that make you feel good and that don’t require too much thinking. A few of my favorite ways to get a much needed R&R:
The Quick Road Trip: Maybe not a real road trip per se, but taking a day to drive out a few hours, to a local remote park or beach to spend an afternoon away from the craziness of the city. Clears my mind and puts things in perspective.As an added tip take one of your besties and play a 90’s station and sing your heart out.
Spa time! : Aromatherapy Massages, Champagne glasses, Steam Baths, etc… is the best way to unwind… Especially good if you can take your bestie out with you for this in Miami we have Miami Spa Month that some of the nicest spa’s offer services for 99$…Another good option to get a deal is thru Groupon or Livingsocial, but check the reviews online first to see what to expect before choosing, I use Yelp for this.
A Mani / Pedi: If the spa day gets too pricey then I go ahead and get my nails done is one of my favorite things ever, I can’t go by a week without doing them. The mini hand/feet massages can work wonders. Seeing my nails all cute and pretty lifts up my mood instantly. Also as a plus the mani ladies will hear your entire life story and dish out how one of their friends or cousins is going thru something similar and they have an opinion about it.
The Blow out: Getting out of the rut of wearing a pony tail or a messy bun and having a good blow dry makes me feel like a million bucks. The added motion of someone “playing” with my hair its super nice.
These are some of the things that I do, but drop me a line in the comments and let me know what do you do to get a quick pick me up?
I’m with you on the blow out!
Spot on with the pro blowout, sista! I call it “hair-apy.”